Make a Plan
San Diego County is home to diverse landscapes, beautiful beaches, and great weather. Regardless, our region is no stranger to a variety of natural disasters, like wildfires, earthquakes, flooding, tsunamis, and others. Human-caused disasters, like hazardous material spills, civil unrest, and acts of terrorism also pose a significant threat to our region. The truth is, it is not a matter of if a disaster will occur, it’s a matter of when.
While we can’t predict when disasters will strike, there are steps you can take today to be prepared. As someone who lives or works in San Diego County, you play a significant role in emergency preparedness and building resilience within your home and community.

The Personal Disaster Plan For People Who May Need Assistance was developed in partnership with the County's Department of Aging & Independence Services, to help the whole community, including older adults, people with disabilities, and anyone with access or functional needs, better prepare for emergencies or disasters.
The Personal Disaster Plan For People Who May Need Assistance is available in 12 languages:
English • عربى • 简体中文 • 中國傳統的 • فارسی • Française • 日本人
• 한국어 • Soomaali • Español • Tagalog • Tiếng Việt

The Personal Disaster Plan was developed by the County of San Diego Office of Emergency Services to help you, your loved ones and neighbors better prepare for, respond to, and recover from an emergency or disaster. Practice this plan yourself or with your loved ones at least twice a year and be READY.
The Personal Disaster Plan is available in 12 languages:
English • عربى • 简体中文 • 中國傳統的 • فارسی • Française • 日本人
• 한국어 • Soomaali • Español • Tagalog • Tiếng Việt
The Vial of Life allows emergency medical responders to access important life-saving information about you in the event that you are injured in your home and are unable to communicate.
Follow these four simple steps to get your Vial kit ready!
1. Print and fill out a Vial of Life Form.
2. Place a Vial of Life decal on the front of a clear plastic baggie (to print or order a decal, click here).
3. Place your completed form inside and tape the plastic baggie onto your refrigerator door.
4. Place a second decal on your front door to let first responders know you have a Vial of Life!
The Vial of Life Form is available in 12 languages:
English • عربى • 简体中文 • 中國傳統的 • فارسی • Française • 日本人
• 한국어 • Soomaali • Español • Tagalog • Tiếng Việt
Stay Informed